The minute I got engaged and started telling people, I was immediately asked two questions: "can I see the ring?" and "how did he propose?".
The former is a subject for a later blog, but I thought I would share a few lines with you all about the latter.
The problem is, I don't really have a proposal story. C told me he had been planning for weeks to propose on my 30th birthday, when we were having lunch at a place on Mt Glorious. Small SNAFU hit, in that the ring wasn't ready. He had designed it himself and the jeweler wasn't done with it or some such.
Anyways, he got it about a week and a half later, and the darn thing was burning a hole in his pocket. I came home from work on Monday night exhausted and hollow-eyed, fit only for a hot shower and bed. I couldn't work out C's enthusiasm for wanting to go out for dinner, just gave him THE LOOK (you know the one, it says do not even start with me right now) and went for that hot shower.
The next night I got home and his parents, who were staying with us at the time, had done something to the house that upset me very much. You need to understand - C and I bought their old house, so they still have this sense of propriety about the place. Normally I don't care what they do, but this time it was a big cosmetic change. Result? I went completely psycho and had a hysterical crying fit in the privacy of our bedroom.
Anyways, in the midst of all the crying and talking and assurances and hugs, C just... proposed. Got out the ring and asked me to marry him.
I accepted on the spot, of course, then cried some more. Then I got angry at him for proposing two days short of our 4 year anniversary (would have been easier to remember the date, see?) and also that he deprived me of a good proposal story.
Every single bridal magazine and wedding announcement in the paper I have read since then has a proposal story along the lines of "Peter asked Jenny to be his wife during a sunset cruise in the Whitsundays" or "Ron proposed during a twilight stroll on the beach at their favorite vacation spot in Maui".
So all I've been telling people is that C "just proposed suddenly". I don't want to go into the whole crying fit story.
I have one consolation however. My proposal is not as bad as one a friend at work told me. She told me that when she got on a shopping centre escalator, she was a single woman, and when she got off she was engaged. That's right. Her now-hubby proposed on an escalator.
I would love to hear others' proposal stories. Particularly ordinary ones like mine!
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